1. Maarten Jansen and Gabina Aurora Pérez Jiménez discuss several poetic aspects of the codices in their Mesolore lecture on the Mixteca, where they provide poetic and dramatic analyses of several sections of the Codex Nuttall. In addition, the following authors discuss codices and performance: Mark King, "Poetics and Metaphor in Mixtec Writing," Ancient Mesoamerica 1 (1990): 141-51, and "Hearing the Echoes of Verbal Art in Mixtec Writing," Writing Without Words, ed. Elizabeth Hill Boone and Walter D. Mignolo (Durham: Duke University Press, 1994) 102-36; John Monaghan, "Performance and the Structure of the Mixtec Codices," Ancient Mesoamerica 1 (1990): 133-40, and "The Text in the Body and the Body in the Text: The Embodied Sign in Mixtec Writing," Writing Without Words, ed. Elizabeth Hill Boone and Walter D. Mignolo (Durham: Duke University Press, 1994) 87-101; Bruce Byland and John Pohl, In the Realm of Eight Deer: The Archaeology of the Mixtec Codices (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1994) 9; and John Pohl, The Politics of Symbolism in the Mixtec Codices, Publications in Anthropology 46 (Nashville: Vanderbilt University, 1994). 2. King, "Hearing" 105. 3. The discussion of the scrolling imagery of Mixtec song is taken entirely from King, "Hearing."